Rivista di Diritto SocietarioISSN 1972-9243 / EISSN 2421-7166
G. Giappichelli Editore
Fascicolo 1

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Socio di controllo, investitori istituzionali, gruppi di società: i flussi informativi

The article analyses the role of information in Corporate Law and Financial Markets Law, with particular reference to company management, monitoring functions, financial statements and groups. The author outlines the framework of soft and hard laws on the relationship between institutional investors and management with a comparative approach. He puts forward a proposal in order to revitalize the ...
di Paolo Montalenti

Responsabilità degli amministratori e diritto di ispezione del socio. Nota a margine del caso Yahoo

The Delaware Court of Chancery granted to an institutional Yahoo investor the inspection rights under Section 220 DGCL on the company books and records for the purposes of carrying out an “investigation of potential mismanagement” related to the executive compensation. The decision, which evokes the complex Walt Disney derivative litigation, represented for the Court of Chancery an ...
di Marco Coluzzi

Il diritto al rimborso del socio recedente di banca popolare in seguito alla riforma t.u.b.

The author analyses the reform of Italian mutual institutions with references to the European law, in particular the Capital Requirement Regulation, the Capital Requirements Directive IV, and Commission Delegated Regulation n. 241/2014. The article offers an alternative solution that harmonises contrasting requirements between EU law, which limits capital instrument redemptions, and Italian ...
di Luca Carotenuto